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1、telephone 电话,telegram 电视节目,television 电视机。

2、一 转化法conversion在英语中,一个单词由一种词性转化为另一种或几种词性而词形不变的方法叫做转化法1 动词转化为名词 Let me have a try让我试试They are only allowed to sell soft drinks at school。

3、一派生法 所谓派生法,就是在词根前加前缀或在其后加后缀构成新词加前缀,一般不改变词性,而只是引起意义上的变化加后缀一般意义变化不大,只改变了词性 前缀antisunburn防晒的,disappearance消失,illegal非法的。

4、ism主义materialism, optimism ist主义者dentist, Buddhist th结果过程length, warmth ity多抽象名词的性质状态ability, loyaltyment行为状态性质enjoyment, argument, government, paymentness性质。

5、tele远程telephone, telegraph, telescope望远镜 bi双bicycle, bimonthly, bilingual mis误mistake, misunderstand曲解 inter彼此之间international, interrelation en使可能encourage, enable使成为可能 di。


6、toothpaste 5tuWpeist 牙膏 ab closet 5klRzit 壁橱 screen skrin 屏风 shelf Felf 架子,搁板 rack rAk 架子,行李架 toilet 5tRilit 卫生间 tap tAp 水龙头 bath baW 浴缸 sponge。

7、graphgram == writewriting telegraph 电报 program 节目,说明书 diagram 图表 grategrati == thanks grateful 衷心感谢的 gratitude 感谢 grav == heavyserious gravity 重力严重性 grave 严重的 gravimeter。

8、1 AVI AudioVideo Interleave音频视频隔行扫描的缩写2RM 格式即Real Media的缩写RM采用一种“边传边播”的方法,即先从服务器上下载一部分视频文件,形成视频流缓冲区后实时播放,同时继续下载,为接下来。


9、instrument for making records写,画文字图形用于文字图形的仪器photograph照片 telegraph电报机 graphics制图法15 ist socialist70 \ nationalist 16 ive包括itive sensitive \ primitive71 ive protective。

10、tele“远程的” telescope telephone telegraph auto“自动的” automatic automobile co“共同” coworker cooperate coexist anti“反对,抵抗” antiwar antifreeze antinuclear multi“多” multistory multicultural。

11、ist DigiTrakker MDLISTSPL file formats it Impulse Tracker File Format,模块音频格式文件 it Impulsetracker module yamp its Impulse Tracker sample k25 Kurzweil 2500 sample kar Karaoke模块音频格式文件,vanBasco\#39s MIDI Player。

12、在线网址howaboutthat5Myst of Alexander Selkirk the real Robinson Crusoe solvedhtml,Bruce,JSBruce,MS,2007真正的鲁滨逊漂流记下在线网址。

13、During his tenure of office, railways were laid, mines opened, telegraph service installed, merchant ships built, industries started and newstyle schools set up Considerable social, economic and cultural advancement in。

14、quotDer Mensch ist, was er iszligtquotWith both of the above we are at the mercy of translators and Feuerbach#39s intention could have been either #39man is what he eats#39 or #39man eats what he is#39。

15、quotDer Mensch ist, was er i#223tquotThat translates into English as #39man is what he eats#39Neither BrillatSavarin or Feuerbach meant their quotations to be taken literally They were stating that that the。

16、弗朗哥primitive culture 原始文化Paul Tournal p#x0254l turnal 保罗·杜纳尔antéhistorique#39a#x014Btei #39ist第一,首先最初 first 电报 telegraph 电冰箱 fridge 电池 battery 电话打电话 phone=telephone 电话打电话给。

17、a2b可以创建比MP3更小的文件,有防拷贝功能,用A2BPlayer,RealJuleBox播放 ac1dAC1Dpackerforma ac3DigitalAudioCompression aifaiff苹果公司开发的一种声音文件格式,被Mac平台支援,支持16位441KHz立体声,NetScape中的Live。



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