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pocketmoney翻译-pocket money翻译成中文


foodFamilies gave moneyEven school children gave away their pocket money零用钱All the things were then taken to France by shipBy 1949,the French had begun to recover恢复 from the warThe Merci;How to speng my pocket moner The best way to spend my pocket money is saving themAlthough it looks so little now ,but if you save it ,with the time going by ,the amount will be more and。

我也想给她一个承诺,那就是马克永远不会忘记将这份善念继续的传下去的PS应该是楼主你自己翻译的吧,我没有改,因为不知道你要不要我改放心,我是外地的朋友,受英文教育,100%“人工翻译”说;英语in your pocket time显然, 这个短语是不成立的有 pocket money零花钱例如He bought the toy with his pocket money但未找到pocket time 的出处如果再加上介词in, in your pocket time在你的。

硬币值得收藏如果你发现一枚硬币,捡起来,这样有一天你就会像犹他州罗岗市一所小学里的学生们一样有一百万枚硬币八年前,在戴夫·约根森的五年级数学课上,一个学生问“一百万是什么样子的”他回答“让我们来;问题一零花钱用英语怎么写 pocket money pin money allowance walkingaround money extra money 问题二零花钱 英语是什么 以前老师喊我们翻过,就是Pocket money 问题三零花钱英语怎么翻译 pocket money 问。

How do you spend your pocket money?你是如何使用你的零花钱的其中,pocket money是零花钱的意思以上是我的回答,希望能够帮助到你;possible22 Tom Bill not so high23 Sally a week to her mother to 5 US dollars pocket money24 Nothing can stop the soldiers entered Wenchuan25 Zhang, I am afraid to go to school late。

pocket money 翻译

pocketmoney翻译是零用钱,pocketmoney是一个组合词,由pocket袋子和money钱组合而成影视原声Much like a child getting his pocket money, one of the biggest economic questions is still whether it#39s better to save。

Most of those students to spend money on the book spend, pocket moneyIn accordance with this course texts, the people get up early and often called the quotearly birdsquot early birdShe called to remind。

Scene1 在售货员的家N在一楝黑暗肮脏的房子,在那里住了小肮脏的售卖 sman 他总是制造不健康的糖果而且把他们卖给学生他现在有许多钱但是他制造起来如何糖果哦,北越货币单位他即将到来S哈罗。

零钱 small pocket money 挣钱 make money 这个多少钱? How much is this?款子 fund sum收到一笔钱 receive a certain sum 我希望买一辆汽车,但是还没有筹到这笔钱 I should like to buy a new car。

Brings coins, ONE Yuan per ticket, throws the coin into the slot initiatively, does not expect for changes。

pocketmoney翻译-pocket money翻译成中文

pocket money翻译成中文

谁有零钱?翻译成英文是“Who has change?”重点词汇 change 一单词音标 change单词发音英 t#643e#618nd#658 美 t#643e#618nd#658二单词释义 n 变化零钱 v 改变 三。

单词发音英 #712m#652ni美 #712m#652ni单词释义n 货币,钱,金钱,资产,财富,工资,财产,报酬单词短语搭配1pocket money零用钱2dirty money不义之财单词造句1He d。

pocketmoney翻译-pocket money翻译成中文

16 hot money 短期流动资金 17 hush money 赌别人嘴的钱 18 pill money 零花钱pocket moneypin money 19 push money 提成 20 ready money 现金 21 seed money 本钱,本金 22 silly money 来路不明的钱 23 smart。



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