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1、Telegraph, telephone, radio, and television tied tighter and more intricate knots between individuals and the wider world从第一批骆驼商队背井离乡冒险出外经商之时直到现在,人类一直在编织着商贸和文化的纽带19;To see the very small things in the world, the microscope was developed Radio, telephone, and telegraph are means by which man has extended the range of his senses of hearing and speech人类一直想扩大感知的范围以及;一详细释义 , n , 电报,电讯 , 例句 ,Among these were a relay booster for telegraph lines and a firesafety curtain for theaters,其中包括电报线路的继电调压器和剧院防火帘, 例句 ,Do you happ;在第二段1,2行The national telegraph network strengthened the ties between East and West and contributed to the rapid expansion of the railroads by providing an efficient means to monitor schedules and routes说明。

2、DDN英文Digital Data Network的缩写,即数字数据网 DHL英文DHL Worldwide Express 即国际航空速递巨头敦豪环球速递公司 DOS英文Dis Opening System的缩写,又称磁盘操作系统 DV英文Digital Vedio的缩写,即数码摄像,现又多指由个人制;The Internet, and particularly the World Wide Web, has revolutionised the way we communicate It is likely that fax machines will go the way of the telegraph and the telex, and while the Internet in ten;As the deepening of globalization, English is increasingly important, especially for those who communicate with foreigners For one thing, English is an essential tool to know the outside world Nowadays, most;其中100%的收益,都将用于全球艾滋病慈善机构worldwide AIDS charities,并提高艾滋病的认识 MAC化妆品是一家化妆在接受每日电讯报The Daily Telegraph采访时, 冯·提斯说,“我不支持他的聚会或者他和另一个女孩的关系。

3、个人简介杰西·欧文斯JESSE OWENS是美国黑人田径明星,现代奥运史上最伟大的运动员欧文斯1913年9月12日出生在美国南方一位棉农之家,是黑奴后裔他天生具有运动禀赋,但直到9岁迁居克利夫兰后才有机会从事体育运动;意思他们迅速把首相和犯罪集团走出房间,远离轧制相机医生听到喊“我没有它从外面房间现在它已成为他已经离开–和不知道他什么时候会回来外科医生谁不害怕说出这个外科医生谁破坏了戴维卡梅伦的照片的机会是没有陌生人对;第二次世界大战后,美国的经济实力骤然增长,在资本主义世界经济中占有全面的优势在完成了由战时经济向和平时期转变之后,美国经济从20世纪50年代起在上述优势地位的基础上进一步持续增长从1955至1968年,美国的国民生产总值以每年4%的速度;电话,电视,广播和电报都有助于人们互相沟通由于这些设备,思想和新闻事件得以在世界各地迅速传播例如,在几秒钟内,人们可以知道在另一个国家的选举结果每个人都可以通过家里的一台电视机观看一场国际足球比赛即将如;示例一Scientists favoriteMy favorite is the scientist Albert Einstein爱因斯坦, he was my idol, because he is very famous in the world He has a smart brain, what the issues are difficult to beat him。


4、媒体应该如实反应全文,至少让观众了解外界对我们的看法不管这种看法本身对还是不对央视“修剪掉”它是可笑的,“共”和“资”本来就是对立的,一方要消灭另一方也是可能理解的,我们不也想消灭“美帝”吗;我最近一个月里基本上天天玩数独,也天天都看关于解数独的方法的,我觉得嘛玩数独多了你的逻辑思维会提高,像第一个回答者说的那样,发散思维也会提高,还有就是统观全局的能力也会相应提高,嗯,也就这么多吧这些就;Alvaro Thomas Edison ThomasAlvaEdison The United States is a worldrenowned scientists and inventorsIn addition to his gramophone Electric, telephone, telegraph, inventions and contributions to the movie, in the mining。




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